Facts Are Facts

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Location: India

14 March, 2018

Stephan Hawkins and futurologists

Dr.Stephan Hawkins was solider, In 1963, at the time of detection of his degenerative nerve disease, the doctors gave him a life expectancy of two years, he defied that prediction by 55 years through his grit and will (and the support of technology, no doubt)! Sadly, no 'Papal blessing', no 'miracle healing' that mesmerizes the world into Commercial Christianity, could heal him or relieve him of his increasingly crippling disease!?
Besides beings a Physics Professor, he delved a lot into Cosmology and Futurology( a term devised by Late Alvin Toffler, of the novel 'Future Shock' fame). And surprisingly, no; Futurologist has been fount correct so far...Dr. Hawkins' predictions have yet to meet the time line, thus can not be commented upon.
H.G. Wells had, in his 'The Island of Doctor Moreau' , inter alia, predicted the date as 2010. Failed.
Arthur.C,Clark predicted much, but nothing to comment upon,
And have so many, right from Nostradamus to Any, Many and More.....
The only person who could rightly imagine the devices ( just devices, not events) of the future was A TV personality named Late Gene Roddenberry, the creator of 'StatrTrek'(1966-87).Smart phone device, Tablet,...even plasma imaging... etc. etc..
While praying for Dr.Hawkins further journey into the ineffable, I do hope to see his predictions come true.
Salute to your 'Never Say Die' spirit !


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