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Location: India

05 May, 2018

Karl Marx's 200th birthday.

 It is the 200th birthday of the father of Communism, that is also dubbed as Marxism, Karl Marx. The man whose work brought "Revolutions" to many places in the world, including Russia and China... .People mistake Socialism with Communism/ Marxism. Socialism started in France. Communism was conceived in Belgium where Marx and his wife Jenny were living in exile. And it was born in England, the final abode of Marxes. Some interesting facts about him:
- Marx was a Jew.

- Marx's wife Jenny was from a Christian Aristocratic family of Prussia, He lived off her wealth in their initial years of marriage.

- He named all his four daughters 'Jenny', after his wife's name.
- He is said to have fathered a child out of his house maid Helene Demuth, whome he called “Lenchen” or 'Nymph'. The boy was adopted by his mentor and friend in England, Friedrich Engels.

Here is an article about his wife Jenny, that tells less, but reveals much more!


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