Facts Are Facts

Desiring the truth to prevail, inspite of the age old practise of burrying it by the powerful.....!

Location: India

29 March, 2006

My final blow that seems to have knocked him down as he has not responded till today

Rajender Singh,
I do not need to get my ego inflated by, ungrateful, unread, liars& deceitmongers like you! Your shallowness is well exhibited in the content of all your mails and the tone of them. While I was addressing you, the sole-of-my shoe, as Mr. Jutalla, you were exhibiting your Sikh mannerism by calling me names!In your second mail, you skirted the real issue by attacking Hindus and resorting to the chapter that I had pointed out as the chapter that you'll use in your defense! That amply showed your cut-and-paste knowledge of the subject that you brag to know well ! If you have any substance in your head then answer these one by one:
1. How does it make a difference if I use Bhawani in place of Bhagwati or Bhagoti for phonetically poor linguists? Bhawani or Bahgwati is the name of Devi.
2. "Dehi SHIVA var Mohe....", you think the great GURU was asking for Blessings from the SHIVA, whom he did not pray?
3. The same goes for Bhagwan Ram and Krishn, and I have quoted the granth in my earlier mail, Answer me on that?
Answer me on the Hindu genocide by the so called Khalistanis? Did any on you ungrateful lot ever say sorry for it?
Answer me on your co-creeders collaborating with the same Mussalmans who killed the Gurus and even the innocent children of the 10th Guru?
Answer me on Sikhs defying 'rehat maryada' by practicing untouchability?
Answer me on Sikhs eating meat (Khalistanis even killed cows to offend Hindus) drinking alcohol, despite its being forbidden by the Guru? Have you ever spoken about it?Barking invectives in defense is a show of shallowness, you have exhibited that in plenty! Be a man enough to talk logic, and not bark like an insecure dog!It has taken you a week to write something in defense, I am sure more questions from me in one go might cause a vacuum induced collapse of you skull, so try attempting the defense of a little portion of indefensible, I have much more information to shatter the myth you are spreading.Since I have no lies to defend, I am not ashamed of sharing my thoughts with many and expose the sinners to the most!


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