Black Madonna, Yeshua and Santa Clause.
Christians worldwide celebrated their
biggest festival, very recently. That brought me to think about three most
prominent ‘trademarks’ of modern day Christianity, the Jesus, the Madonna and
the Santa Clause.
Interestingly, Jesus was neither ‘Jesus’
nor ‘Christ’. His name was ‘Yeshua’ but
the phonetic limitations of ‘Koine Greek,’ the original language of Old
testament, corrupted his name to Jesus in successive attempts. ‘Isa’, as Jesus
is known in Quran is also an Arabic phonetic corruption of ‘Yeshua’. Similarly
Christ is also derived from Greek ‘Christos’ meaning ‘awaited’ or Awaited
Messiah, or ‘mahdi’’ of Islam. Jesus is repeatedly called ‘Jesus of Nazereth ‘.
Nazereth is where Jesus was born, and you said it was Bethlehem? Oh!? The Son
of Joseph and Mary also had another four brothers. James, Joses, Judas and
Simon, that made them 5 siblings.
Mary, the mother of Jesus is also known
as Madonna, when depicted with baby Jesus in arms. In many places of the world,
Madonna is portrayed as ‘black Madonna’; the statue is engraved out of either
dark coloured, or completely black material. This colured depiction actually
pleases the followers originating from one continent, as well as all dark
coloured people around the globe as they see it as Jesus’ or the Church’s benediction,
magnanimity in rising above the discrimination of colour or race.Before you
sell your soul to this act of charity, just recall. Joseph and Mary’s family was a ‘dark’ coloured
Asian family. It is not till the west ‘hijacked’ the Christianity, that this
family acquired the fair skin, golden or red locks and European features in
which the family is depicted today, like
the ‘Christ the redeemer’ of Rio, Brazil
or elsewhere in most of the churches. The early church portraiture painted the
first family of the faith, correctly, in shades of brown, and iconography
carved the statues in darker materials, and not in the degrees of white in
post-renaissance features and colours. Black Madonna's head was, and still is,
draped in a modest chador, the very Asian custom of her age.
Santa, the cherubic white Nordic old man
in red and white (Coca-Cola given pop sartorial culture) coloured robes, riding
the reindeer pulled sleigh called Santa Clause was neither Cherubic, nor white
Nordic , nor rode the sleigh nor wore the red gown and didn’t even have the name Santa Clause.
Saint Nicholas, a brown Asian again, was born in South Turkey in year 270 in
the town called Demre. "Noel Baba", is how locals still revere him,
and his church in the town still draws a lot of tourists. The Bishop was
canonised immediately after his death as he is said to have restored to life
three sons, who had been butchered by their father. There is another tale, a
grim one, of his rescuing some girls on the point of being sold to slavery for
lack of dowry. He brought a sack full of gold to their home and all was well.
So this brings the gift ‘sack’ in the picture. O’Saint Nicholas, the girls
continued to be auctioned and sold in Turkey, along with other commodities and
animals, till 1908, why did your ‘sack’ run dry after just one rescue??
Wonder why Christmas is known as “Noel”
in most of the French speaking world.
Labels: black Madonna, Brown skin, Christians, Christmas, Isa, Jesus, Madonna, Noel, Saint Nicholas, Santa Clause, Yeshua