Facts Are Facts

Desiring the truth to prevail, inspite of the age old practise of burrying it by the powerful.....!

Location: India

23 December, 2019

Munshi Ram Vij, aka, Swami Sharaddhanand

Sh. Munshi Ram Vij, aka, Swami Sharaddhanand was shot dead by one Abdul Rashid on 23rd December,1856. Inspired by 'Arya Samaj' founder 'Swami Dayanand Saraswati', he married off his children out of his cast. He also established girls schools and the 'Gurukul Kangdi' at Haridwar.

Image result for Swami Shraddhanand

Swami Shradhhanand had made agree Kashmiris to mass convert back to Hinduism, but Kashmiri Pandits threatened to commit mass suicide, thus forcing the then Maharaja Gulab Singh to ask Swami ji not to go ahead with the re-conversion programme, But Swami ji continued his conversion-back-to-Hinduism (Ghar Vapsi) at all other places and reconverted over 100,000.00 (figures can not be confirmed) back to Hinduism. 
Image result for Swami Shraddhanand

And for this, reconverting converted Hindus back into Hinduism, 
"..a misguided youth" shot him dead.

It was Swamiji, who had called Gandhi ji, 'Mahatma' first (and not Rabindranath Tagore). Sadly, when Abdul Rashid was sentenced to death for his crime, the very same ( Thankless towards Swamiji) Gandhi ji, in order to win over Muslim appreciation, pleaded for Abdul Rashid, stating that ..he is just a misguided youth and should be let free.
The same Gandhi ji refused to plead for clemency for Rajguru, Sukhdev & Bhaghat Singh, because 'he did not beleive in their violent ways..'.

Image result for Swami Shraddhanand


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