Facts Are Facts

Desiring the truth to prevail, inspite of the age old practise of burrying it by the powerful.....!

Location: India

17 July, 2015

Gauhar Jaan  was a very intriguing charecter. She was(गौहर जान) the famous 'Tawaif' of her years.'Tawaifs' of those years were not just sex workers or prostitutes, They were accomplished singers and dancers.They were more popular that the top ranking film heroines of these times. 
Her reputation can be judged by the fact that India's first gramophone disc had Gauhar Jaan, singing a khayal in Raag Jogiya,recorded on 2 November 1902 and for this she was paid Rs.3000.00 in those years.
Akbar Allahabadi was a Judge of Allahabad high court and also a conservative, satirist poet who wrote the famous 'Hungama hai kyun barpa, thodi si jo pi li hai..' ( made more famous by Mr.Gulam Ali). When Akbar Allahabadi's child decided to marry a European, he opposed the idea very vigoursly, but eventually gave up. A grand reception was then organised, in which even Gauhar Jaan was invited to perform.
Just to tease Akbar Allahabadi, some one asked Akbar his reaction to the marriage (which would have certainly earned his satirical wrath) unforgiving and conservative Akbar, without hesitating said :
'English husband, Indian wife...She is nose and he is knife' ('Naak katna'( नाक कटना) in Hindi translates to 'cutting of nose' meaning loosing face)...', putting everybody present at the reception in roll of laughter.
There after came in Gauhar Jaan. This too was against conservative Akbar's beliefs. Many present there had faced the brunt of Akbar's satire in the past on such occasions. Prompted by an unrelenting desire to settle the scores, they insisted upon Akbar Allahabadi to say something about Gauhar. Akbar said:
'Kushnaseeb aaj yahan kaun hai Gauhar ke siva... Sab kuchh Allah ne de rakhha hai shauhar ke siva..' (खुशनसीब आज यहाँ कौन है गौहर के सिवा ; सबकुछ अल्लाह ने दे रखा शहर के सिवा...) (Almighty has bestowed upon Gauhar a shimmering fate, She has the best of world, except a housemate.)
Gauhar Jaan was not dumb.She was top entertainer who had connoisseurs & patrons of music as admirers, like Maharaja Durbhanga, Maharaja of Mysore....and even King George V. In reply to Akbar she said these lines that completely quietened blushing red Akbar :
'Yun to Gauhar ko mayassar hain hazaron shauhar, par pasand usko nahi koi Akbar ke siva' ( यूँ तो गौहर को मयस्सर है हज़ारों शौहर, पर पसंद उसको नहीं कोई अकबर के सिवा ...)
(Gauhar has this world to pick a thousand mates, her chosen one is Akbar, none else fits her slate'
Gauhars entire life makes a wonderful and very informative read!