Something sinister behind Teachers Day

It is unlikely that this scholar did not know that in Indic creeds, we have 'Guru Poornina', the day we pay our obeisance and offer our respects to our Teachers, then how could he allow His birthday to be floated as a parallel 'Teachers day'??
I tried to read and research on this and came to learn that '..After He became the President, some of his students wanted to celebrate his birthday, he refused and asked them to celebrate the day with all of their other teachers...'
The government of the day, quite well known for its antipathy for anything 'Hindu' (remember, Nehru even opposed renovation of Som Nath Temple, but had to succumb to K.M.Munshi and Sardar Patel juggernaut), must have seen this opportunity to confuse the country between Guru Poornima and Teachers day, and vociferously announce it as 'Teachers day'. Otherwise, if the Congress government was so devoted towards respecting Dr. Radhakrishanan, it would have pressed for 5th Sept as International Teachers Day, and not meekly accepted 5th Oct. as one in 1994, when it was established. Didn't the present ruling dispersion get the world to recognize 21st June as International Yog Day in 2015?