Facts Are Facts

Desiring the truth to prevail, inspite of the age old practise of burrying it by the powerful.....!

Location: India

31 March, 2006

Is it really re-conversion?

Re-conversion is a taunt that appears in most of the media, print, radio or TV, especially when it involves tribals or poor who have been sometime in the past, manoeuvred into accepting some or the other faith, using some device or the other by some and many.
For any one on the face of Indian subcontinent, reorientation towards Hindu civilisation is sheer metanoia not re-conversion, an expression which is inherrently derogatory!

29 March, 2006

My final blow that seems to have knocked him down as he has not responded till today

Rajender Singh,
I do not need to get my ego inflated by, ungrateful, unread, liars& deceitmongers like you! Your shallowness is well exhibited in the content of all your mails and the tone of them. While I was addressing you, the sole-of-my shoe, as Mr. Jutalla, you were exhibiting your Sikh mannerism by calling me names!In your second mail, you skirted the real issue by attacking Hindus and resorting to the chapter that I had pointed out as the chapter that you'll use in your defense! That amply showed your cut-and-paste knowledge of the subject that you brag to know well ! If you have any substance in your head then answer these one by one:
1. How does it make a difference if I use Bhawani in place of Bhagwati or Bhagoti for phonetically poor linguists? Bhawani or Bahgwati is the name of Devi.
2. "Dehi SHIVA var Mohe....", you think the great GURU was asking for Blessings from the SHIVA, whom he did not pray?
3. The same goes for Bhagwan Ram and Krishn, and I have quoted the granth in my earlier mail, Answer me on that?
Answer me on the Hindu genocide by the so called Khalistanis? Did any on you ungrateful lot ever say sorry for it?
Answer me on your co-creeders collaborating with the same Mussalmans who killed the Gurus and even the innocent children of the 10th Guru?
Answer me on Sikhs defying 'rehat maryada' by practicing untouchability?
Answer me on Sikhs eating meat (Khalistanis even killed cows to offend Hindus) drinking alcohol, despite its being forbidden by the Guru? Have you ever spoken about it?Barking invectives in defense is a show of shallowness, you have exhibited that in plenty! Be a man enough to talk logic, and not bark like an insecure dog!It has taken you a week to write something in defense, I am sure more questions from me in one go might cause a vacuum induced collapse of you skull, so try attempting the defense of a little portion of indefensible, I have much more information to shatter the myth you are spreading.Since I have no lies to defend, I am not ashamed of sharing my thoughts with many and expose the sinners to the most!

He again resorts to abuse to skirt the real issue!

Listen Shyam,
if you think I am going to assist you in feeding your overinflated ego then you are sadly mistaken.You are a peddler in lies. You have obviously deluded yourself in this andmost probably your motley crew worshipthe ground you walk on, but in the end you are a liar. There is no need forme to debate your lies because that iswhat they are, lies.Let me give you moron an example.I say "Bhagwan Krishan Ji was not a Hindu" (no disrespect meant) now, theonusis on you to disprove this. Once you have done that I come up with someother idiotic statement. Now, I ain't gonna fallfor your lies and spend hours trying to disprove them. You go ahead and feelreal big in your own little head, for that isall you are good at. I would rather engage with people on a moreconciliatory level.As per your previous post of me being thankless(?) this is rich coming froma total liar. I do not want to offend anyof your listeners nor do I want to defame Hinduism for I am creating badkaram for myself. You go ahead and pour as much'gandh' over your own head and when judgement day comes you will have toanswer for all your filthy lies that you now solovingly peddle.

.You fool Shyam,you think I need the approval of your masses? You think I give a **** aboutwhat your minions think.AkaalPurkh is watching and if I have His approval you can all take arunning jump in the nearest lake,I do not need your approval, unlike you who only lives to feed his own egoinfront of this adoring fans.
Rajinder Singh Jutalla

I re-pose my challange!

If You are a man enough, if you are sticking to your convictions, I challange you on point-to-point basis! If you think you can refute me on any of my challenge, I offer you to come to me on point to point asis, in full view of ALL, let the mass decide if you are filthy or I am retarded?Do you accept that?

Jutalla exposes himself

Dear Shyam,you can bark all you like I have no intention of reading any of yourgarbage, so you are wasting your time.
Rajinder Singh

Comments of Sukhwinder Singh Bhindrawala

Hello to all Kahlistanio,

Bole So nihal,

Tusi sare adi wadi wadi galan kar rae ho es email tai. Pelaan tey aae daso ke tusi sare sikh ho taan wi twano sharam andi ae punjabi wich gaal karan tey. Ae na samjio key maeno english nai anndi par tusi sabno nu tamacha maran lai main ae saab punjabi wich likhya hai. Main wi ek SARDAR haan tai fakar naal kenaa haan ki main Sardar haan.

Now let me come back to the language you SO CALLED sikhs and hindus love to speak and write. I also reside in UK and i am very much aware of what Sikhs have been doing here and how much they know about there culture and religion. Just by doing nagar kirtans is not knowing your religion. You people are sending shits over the past so many days for no reason.

If a person from other religion had questioned the matter that is publicized on the internet, that doesn't mean you will start talking useless things about there religion. What is the reason YOU RAJINDER JUTLLA wrote an email pointing out 33 crore devi devtay, IS THIS WHAT OUR GURU's had told us. We PROUD SIKH's were brought to this world to save people not making humourous comments on other religions. This shows that how ignorant you are of own culture and religion. And you Dear H S Virk, you have written books and so many other intelectual stuff, you seems to be a professor in Punjab university....... But do you think you have done a good job of teaching Punjabi's or Sikhs about the religion which our GREAT GURU's left for us.

I am going to ask both of YOU GREAT SIKHS ....... a question based on humanitarian GROUND. I am not interested in Granth Sahib, Ramayan or Kuran. They all are holy books for me and i respect all with my heart.

My question to YOU two SIKHS........

You said 1984 was a bad thing happend to SIKH community. I agree with this comment only upto an extent where innocents were killed AND THAT IS VERY TRUE for HINDUS & MUSLIMS also who were killed in PUNJAB during that time. BUT will you enlighten me who is responsible for the situation. Do you think HINDUS or MUSLIMS. NO NO and NO. We SIKHS are responsible for all that happened. ASK ME WHY.....I will answer here only, since I am aware that you two ignorant people will never understand.

WHY did we SIKHS allowed those terrorists to live in Gurudwara's. We all should feel ashamed that those terrorists had done all evil things in our HOLY place called Gurudwara's and we "mean" people haven't had a courage to say a word against them and had no courage to throw them out of our HOLY place. No government of any country will allow insurgents or insurgncy to grow. Same way the Govt of India took the right step in invading terrorists from our Gurudwar's (OUR HOLY PLACE). Instead of us being thankful to the govt., what is it we did......we killed the Prime Minister of the country. This step of Sikh's was the main cause of 1984 RIOTS which took lifes of 1000's of innocent people.

Instead of making sure 1984 should never happen in our lives, we are lighting another 1984. I was shocked to see ZEE NEWS coverage couple of weeks ago that SIKHS have all plans to declare KHALISTAN as an independent country. They have there own currency etc. ready for another horrible act. Where are you SIKHS at this time, why have you allowed those terrorists again to enter our Gurudwara's..... GURU's PLACE and do those evil things once again.

YOU TWO HAVE SENT TONS OF EMAILS TO TONS OF PEOPLE ON SUCH A TRIVIAL SUBJECT, why i am saying trivial subject....because i think we have much bigger matters to handle than wasting time over these email. Rajinder you would have sent a two liner stating what you feel is wrong in the email instead of shooting evil words about other religion.

I hope you will try to understand what i mean to say in this email and stop sending emails of unwanted nature to all and work towards saving another mishaps in the world.

Jo bole So nihal...............
Sukhwinder Singh Bhindrawala

I confront him on facts!

Mr. Jutlla,
If you are just a Sikh, then for you I am a PROUD HINDU ! Mobbing is a trait that Sikhs have inherited, even the infamous 12'o'clock phrase has its roots in the mid night mob attacks- so better learn about your history before writing!

If Hindu's were saved by Sikhs from Mussalmans, then it was the same Hindus who populated the Sikh panth. Being ungrateful to the 'creator' is again a trait that half baked Sikhs have inherited in their genes. No wonder Sikhs were killing innocent Hindus in Punjab before '84. It was a Sikh way of saying 'Thank you' to the very people who gave their first sons to the 'panth'. If ' 84 is pinching you so hard, the pre-84, the Kanishka Bombings and thousands of such cases of Sikh Valor against innocents, women and children, in partnership with the very Mussalmans of Pakistan & Kashmir are still available to the world to observe the Great Sikh Faithfulness.

And We the Hindus, are the ones who saved thousand of Sikhs in Delhi. I personally saved many, not because I wanted to do a favor, because they were Hindus following Sikh Panth. They were innocent people. We were also magnanimous enough to apologise, pay through tax payers money, to compensate for the irreparable losses. And what did you and likes of you do? You are shamelessly justifying the sins of your ungrateful kin? Aren't you the most pampered minority in Hindu India?

Guru Teg Bahadur was not a Sikh, his sacrifice was for His Dharam brothers, not your Dharam brothers. It was a Hindu chamaar who showed courage to respectfully creamate him, not a single of his 'Shishya' - the future Sikhs like you- was MAN enough to pick his Body, or even plan to pick it! What makes you feel proud?

You are forgetting the before SGPC act was enforced by British, All Gurudwaras had a Brahmin ( Bahman for semi-literates) Mahant.There used to be deities of Gods and Goddess's inside these houses of worships. Move your buttocks and go to Pakistan, Afghanistan and find that this presence of Guru Granth and Holy Deities in the same compound still exists! And try and spoil it- the art you know the best! Even the Hindu ritual of offering liquor to Bhagwati- not Bhagoti ( which rhymes with the one running away, said in Hindi) is followed in some Gurudwaras, till today! Close them, they are following the spiritually and mentally superior Hindus!

Your Bloody Khalistanis collaborated with the Same Mussalmans who killed Guru Gobind Singh, the Guru who caused them to be Sikhs. What a way to exhibit gratefulness for their deed !

I'll tear you false and selective interpretation of Dasam Granth at a later day, Got to go and make a donation of an alms to a Gurudwara of Mazbi Sikhs, who have not been able to get any from High Cast Sikhs like you, who falsely claim that there are no untouchables in Sikhism ! And these mazbi's are much better than you, they consider themselves to be a part of a larger Hindu canvas.

For your information, I must have read Dasam Granth many more times than you, to find what conjoins Hindus and Sikhs together, and happily, I did not commit the Sin of reading it to Tear the Hindu fabric !


He hides behind the chapter that I had initially pointed out and slaps Hindus!

How typically ‘Hindu’ your email was. This is what separates me – a son of Guru Gobind Singh Ji – and you. You have to copy in 33 crore devtay on your email. Hindus always need a mob behind them else they are quiet as mice.
So we are the most pampered people on earth? Tell that to your mothers and wives and daughters who we saved from the clutches of the mussulmans, time and time again risking life and limb. Oh, but we don’t talk about that do we Shyam.
Tell that to dhan Guru Tegh Bahadur Sahib Ji who sacrificed his life so that Kashmiri Brahmins could practise their faith. Oh but we deny this ever happened don’t we Shyam.
Tell that to the thousands of women and children your mobs molested and burned alive with burning tyres in 1984, such honour amongst Hindus. Oh but we don’t like to talk about that do we Shyam………………… …………………………shame on you yaar!
The real sad thing is that you will spend most of your life in this fruitless pursuit and before you know it it will be over and what karma did you earn in this life? You could have spent your time meditating and singing bhajan of the Lord but instead you peruse your own lies. Time and time again Guru Gobind Singh Ji says that I believe and worship the only one Lord of the Universe. Every Gurus composition starts like this in an affirmation of his core belief. Sure, there are a number of compositions in praise of the exploits of certain beings. Praise is totally different from worship. I praise you for being such a pious and spiritual person, I am praising your virtues not worshipping you. Do you understand this simple difference?
These compositions were to inspire the downtrodden people of the time who had been in slavery for a thousand years, in the language they could understand, but you twist it and make it worship, this is what you Hindus are good at.
Have you read Sri Dasam Granth Ji, or just selected parts pointed out by some bhaman, or are you copy/pasting like so many others I have had discussions with?
Even your few brain cells will acknowledge that the beginning of a composition sets out the core statements and so are very important. Try reading Jaap Sahib, the first composition of Sri Dasam Granth , the first verse, the essence of the whole composition, states pretty clear Guru Sahib Ji’s beliefs.
Try Akaal Ustat : It starts with "Akal Purkh ki rushia hum nay, Sarab Loh ki rushia hum nay……." I seek Akaals protection, I seek the protection of the All Steel………
Read Akaal Ustat properly not just singular lines, Guru Sahib Ji chastises all those who sit covered in ash, who sit in silence, who worship this, who worship that, it’s all there mate.
Try Bachittar Natak, which you quoted from, have you actually read all of it? It says reading the Vedas, the Purans, the Koran is all a waste of time and when the end time comes you will all regret it………….hummmm doesn’t sound like a resounding endorsement of Bhagwan Krishan Ji or Sri Ram Chandar Ji.
Don’t get me wrong Guru Sahib Ji had the utmost respect for them as I do, but to say that Guru Sahib Ji worshiped them is nonsense and you know it but the ego in you will not let you go, so you will carry on wasting your time until it will be too late.
You say that Sri Akaal Ustat is a reworking of your Veda, then why is it that we, the Sikhs, worship The One and only One because this is what Akaal Ustat tell us, while you worship monkeys and others worship snakes and others worship rats and others worship the shiv-ling, why is that then? The reason my dear Shyam is that Gurus bani is Dhur-ki, that is, straight from the top, from God and has nothing to do with your scriptures.
Sure we Sikhs quarrel amongst ourselves and there are some wayward Sikhs, but our resolve is strong and our faith in the Almighty is unshakable and our youth is coming up good, but you Hindus have no Dharama left its all been whittled away by Bollywood or you bitterness towards others. You hunt in packs be it Delhi 1984 or Gujrat a few years ago, this is not the honourable yaar, this is desperation amongst a people who have lost their way.
Let me take one of your quotes "Pritham Bhavani simaria…….." actually if your read any authentic version of Dasam Granth Sahib Ji you will see that the line actually is "Pritham Bhagauti simaria…………." The meaning has now changed right? This is where you delude yourself, you quote out of context and then change words to suit your twisted minds. This is what I suspect you have done with the other quotes also.
Let me quote you Guru Gobind Singh Ji’s bani :
" Mey NAA Ganashai, Pritham mana-ou, Kishan, Bishan kubhu NAA dhaia-ou……… "
I do NOT believe in Ganash, I know of Krishan, Vishnu but I do NOT believe in them.
"Raam Raheem, Puran, Koran anekh kehey par ekh NAA janiou……………"
The Raam, the Raheem, the Puranas, the Korans there are so many of them but I do NOT believe in any of them.
From the beginning of Bachittar Natak :
"Somewhere He hath created millions of the servants like Krishna. Somewhere He hath effaced and then created (many) like Rama." Hardly a ringing endorsement.
Here is the second verse of Var Bhagauti Ki :
PauriThe Lord first created the Khanda, the double edged sword and then this manifest world. Having created Brahama, Vishnu and Shiva, He created the entire play of qudarat (manifest world). He created the oceans, mountains earth and the sky which stands above unsupported by any pillars. He created both gods and demons and then created polemic between them. It was He who created Durga so as to destroy the demons. Rama also took strength from Him to kill the ten-headed Ravana with his arrows. Krishna also got his strength from Him and thus threw down Kansa by his hair. Many great gods and ascetics underwent hard austerities, but none could fathom Him.
Naraaj Chhand
I say only that which the Lord hath said, I do not yield to anyone else.
I do not feel pleased with any particular garb, I sow the seed of God’s Name.34.
I do not worship stones, nor I have any liking for a particular guise.
I sing infinite Names (of the Lord), and meet the Supreme Purusha.35
I do not wear matted hair on my head, nor do I put rings in my ears.
I do not pay attention to anyone else, all my actions are at the bidding of the Lord.36.
I recite only the Name of the Lord, which is useful at all places.
I do not meditate on anyone else, nor do I seek assistance from any other quarter.37.
I recite infinite Names and attain the Supreme light.
I do not meditate on anyone else, nor do I repeat the Name of anyone else.38.
I am absorbed only in the Name of the Lord, and honour none else.
By meditating on the Supreme, I am absolved of infinite sins.39.
I am absorbed only in His Sight, and do not attend to any other charitable action.
By uttering only His Name, I am absolved of infinite sorrows.40.
Someone studies the Quran and someone studies the Puranas.
Mere reading cannot save one from death. Therefore such works are vain and do not help at the time of death.47
I neither wear matted hair on the head nor bedeck myself with ear-ring
meditate on the Name of the Lord, which helps me in all my errands.51.s.
O men of God ! Understand this that the Lord doth not reside in Vedas and katebs. 61.
He, who exhibits heresy in closing his eyes, attains the state of blindness.
By closing the eyes one cannot know the path, how can then, O brother! He meet the Infinite Lord?62.
Plain enough for you?
I do not wish to have a discussion with you or your hundreds of minions, as I have done this many times before and it just ends in a big slinging match. You carry on in your pursuit but the Truth will always prevail and that truth is Guru Gobind Singh Ji and none else.

My Reply his feral attitude

Mr Jutlla,

Lies need to be exposed to the most, I have no regrets about sending the mail to many. I'd rather like a public debate on the lies that you, and likes of you, spread to the innocent trusting minds.

Feel free to use any platform and prepare hard to justify your shallow lies.

Yes we have 33 crore Devi Devtaas(Saint and Saintines), why are you feeling complexed about it? Is it the bankrupsy of just having ONE book making you uneasy? Or is it the courage that your ancestors showed by relying on a chamaar(scavenger) to pick and creamate the body of ninth Guru and a period of 100 years that the cowards took to build a Gurudwara there, making you uncomfortable?

May the Guru's show mercy on you for you sins!

Best wishes!

Reply from Mr. R.S.Jutalla

Greetings to you Shyam and to the rest of the 33 crore devi devtay you copied in you email,

I will be a little busy over the next few days so I will get back to you in the new week. I will
however respond to you alone unlike you who has to have a mob behind him..........how very Hindu!

Rajinder Singh.

27 March, 2006

Misleading Innocent Minds

Dear Gentlemen,
www.info-sikh.com , which states Guru Gobind Singh never worshipped Bhagwan Ram,Krishna or Durga mata.
I have written this letter to the moderator of the site enquiry@info-sikh.com .If you agree with me, you may also write to them.

I read the material placed on the site that you have placed on your site stating that Shri Guru Gobind Sing ji never prayed Bhagwan Ram, Krishna or Chandi, which is a core bunch of disinformation. It is sad that sites like yours inveigle people into believing ...you and I well know what?
You may enlighten yourself by reading Dasam Granth again. Please read the SWAYYA on this site, starting with Ath Devi Ju ki usthat kathan............samunder bikhe tarihon :


If it is not prayer, then you might be following the meaning of word prayer from some other civilsation!

Read page 645 on the same site: Re man bhaj tu sarda........banave granth hal hai . Is it not a prayer?

Read the end of Bichitra natak : Namo tarini karini lok mata, Namastasyam, namastasyam, namastasyam Bhawani.Sada rakhi lai muhi kripa ke kripani!
Eti sri Bichitra natake chandi charitre devi j ki estuti barnan nam saptmo dhiyai samporan mastut.

You must be knowing the meaning of estuti ? Let me educate you, it means 'Praying', as much as namastasyam means it!!

I know your defense will come in shape of Chapter 2 the Akal Ustat, which is nothing more that the Vedic 'Eko Brahm, dwitiyo naasti' And 'Na jayete mriyte va kadachit..........hanyamane sharire' of Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta, which for your information is a part of the very Bhagvat which the great Guru describes in the chapter Chaubis Avtar !

Refer to Tav prasadi : katahun Suchet......Surgun samet haun! May I inform you that 'Sugrun', the Braj-Punjabi version of 'Sagun' is the prayers of Sanatan Hindus. They pray not the caricature, but the resplendent character in it! And no where has Guru ji written against this form of worshiping! Has he?

Read further : kahu deb bani, kahu sarda bahwani..........kahun chatri hue ke ar maarat marat ho! No where is Guru Gobind Singh preaching annihilation of the 'surgun' way of worship, or even chritisising it?

Kahun ben ke bajayya, kahun dhen ke charyya...... nirankar ho! Need I enlighten you the The same 'Nirankar' is being referred here as ben ke bajjya- player of Flute- Krishn, and dhen ke charyya, the grazer of cows- again Krishn...and you are claiming on your site that Guru Gobing Sing ji did not consider Krishan as God!

Do not act purblind and stone-deaf, just for the sake making and retaining Sikhs the most pampered minority in the world, seeking alms and generous quota of tolerance from the majority (Hindu) population, with whom they live with. have you ever pondered why has the Sikh population in Pakistan and Afghanistan dwindled, since the day of dismemberment of India? And what could you do about it?

I could go on and on to expose the myth that you are spreading......I leave it to the wrath of the Great Guru!

And by the way, Pratham Bhagwati simrie...... what is Bhagwati in it?