Dear Gentlemen,
www. , which states Guru Gobind Singh never worshipped Bhagwan Ram,Krishna or Durga mata.
I have written this letter to the moderator of the site .If you agree with me, you may also write to them.
I read the material placed on the site that you have placed on your site stating that Shri Guru Gobind Sing ji never prayed Bhagwan Ram, Krishna or Chandi, which is a core bunch of disinformation. It is sad that sites like yours inveigle people into believing and I well know what?
You may enlighten yourself by reading Dasam Granth again. Please read the SWAYYA on this site, starting with Ath Devi Ju ki usthat kathan............samunder bikhe tarihon : it is not prayer, then you might be following the meaning of word prayer from some other civilsation!
Read page 645 on the same site: Re man bhaj tu sarda........banave granth hal hai . Is it not a prayer?
Read the end of Bichitra natak : Namo tarini karini lok mata, Namastasyam, namastasyam, namastasyam Bhawani.Sada rakhi lai muhi kripa ke kripani!
Eti sri Bichitra natake chandi charitre devi j ki estuti barnan nam saptmo dhiyai samporan mastut.
You must be knowing the meaning of estuti ? Let me educate you, it means 'Praying', as much as namastasyam means it!!
I know your defense will come in shape of Chapter 2 the Akal Ustat, which is nothing more that the Vedic 'Eko Brahm, dwitiyo naasti' And 'Na jayete mriyte va kadachit..........hanyamane sharire' of Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta, which for your information is a part of the very Bhagvat which the great Guru describes in the chapter Chaubis Avtar !
Refer to Tav prasadi : katahun Suchet......Surgun samet haun! May I inform you that 'Sugrun', the Braj-Punjabi version of 'Sagun' is the prayers of Sanatan Hindus. They pray not the caricature, but the resplendent character in it! And no where has Guru ji written against this form of worshiping! Has he?
Read further : kahu deb bani, kahu sarda bahwani..........kahun chatri hue ke ar maarat marat ho! No where is Guru Gobind Singh preaching annihilation of the 'surgun' way of worship, or even chritisising it?
Kahun ben ke bajayya, kahun dhen ke charyya...... nirankar ho! Need I enlighten you the The same 'Nirankar' is being referred here as ben ke bajjya- player of Flute- Krishn, and dhen ke charyya, the grazer of cows- again Krishn...and you are claiming on your site that Guru Gobing Sing ji did not consider Krishan as God!
Do not act purblind and stone-deaf, just for the sake making and retaining Sikhs the most pampered minority in the world, seeking alms and generous quota of tolerance from the majority (Hindu) population, with whom they live with. have you ever pondered why has the Sikh population in Pakistan and Afghanistan dwindled, since the day of dismemberment of India? And what could you do about it?
I could go on and on to expose the myth that you are spreading......I leave it to the wrath of the Great Guru!
And by the way, Pratham Bhagwati simrie...... what is Bhagwati in it?